item | value |
Shipment origin | China |
Shipment destination | US(United States) |
Origin City | Guangdong |
Destination City | US |
Transit Time (Days) | 2Days - 5Days |
Shipping mode | Express |
Product Type | Special(Dangerous) Goods, General(Non-dangerous) Goods |
Ability | Dangerous goods consultation, 24/7 Customer support, Local storage, Customized packaging and labeling, Dangerous goods transportation, Loading and unloading |
Price validity | 20240701Y/M/D - 20250701Y/M/D |
Insurance service | Yes |
Local pick up at origin | Yes |
Storage service | Origin storage |
Destination customs clearance party | Seller |
Shipment dispatch time (Days) | 1Days |
Recommended Products
1. Contact your supplier
2. Sent your goods to GES warehouse
3. GES Loading
4. Customs declaration and clearance
5. Consolidation and delivery
6. Receive goods